Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What Is This "Sleep" Of Which You Speak?

(Not my picture.)


You: “..............................................................................................”

Okay, so yes I’m very tired right now. And, if you know anything about me you should know that I become extremely random when I’m tired....soooooo this should be interesting.... :)

Okay so I’ve put together a few reasons why I’m so ridiculously tired right now. (if I was smart I would be sleeping instead of doing this, but I’m not! So on with the show! :)

1. I’ve been switching my sleeping schedule around, meaning, that I’ve been trying to go to bed earlier and get up earlier. See the problem is I love staying up late! So, though I try to have the will power to go to bed at THE RIGHT TIME I still find myself falling into old habits! And, (here’s were the problem comes in) I still force myself to get up early! (yeah, I’m nuts...)
2. Evil "Daylight savings time"......nuff’ said.
3. I STILL HAVE THIS COLD!!! Can anyone say energy zapper?
4. I’ve been walking for a few hours a day on top of my other exercises.
5. Crazy balls of energy called my siblings...
Okay, so over the weekend I went to this SUPER AWESOME concert guessed it “Acquire The Fire” (or ATF). IT WAS SO GREAT!!! If you get a chance to go I would strongly suggest it! It had... amazing speakers, beautiful videos, super cool skits, and awesome music!!!
The only down side was I got very little sleep while I was there. (and the little sleep I got was on a hard concrete church floor. lol :) But, I’m still so happy I went!!!! :)
(I should have pictures from it up here soon!)

Anyway, sorry if that was a little crazy (or a lot of crazy :p)...but, as I said I’m tired...But, I do promise I’m going to post more....interesting stuff soon. But, until then have an awesome night!! (...or day if your reading this in the morning.......................yeah, I’m going to stop typing now. :)


  1. You know what's really weird? I feel the same exact way! Fortunately, I don't have a cold, but I think I will probably get one soon (because everyone I know is sick...). I'm sorry your sick though! That stinks... I hope you get better soon!
    So, last, night, I tried to go to bed early, but I was reading the new Alex Rider book, so I didn't get to bed till about 12:20. (So much for that plan!) Then this morning, I had set my alarm clock for 8:00. (I wanted to get a fresh and early start on the day). After pressing the snooze button 5 times, my alarm clock stopped going off. Then, I woke up at 10:15! I was so mad at myself! So, I exercised for about an hour, then it was time for lunch, then before I knew it, the day was over! I think I'm going to start a "log" on when I go to bed and when I wake up. Maybe, each night, I could try to go to bed 5 minutes earlier than the night before, then when a week goes by, I'll be in bed a whole half hour earlier! Idk, we'll see.
    Well, good luck with staying awake and going to bed earlier and waking up earlier! I've been trying for about a month now, and I can't seem to do it... mmm... if you come up with something that breaks those habits, please let me know! lol... I feel so pathetic. You'd think going to bed early and waking up early wouldn't be so hard, but it feels like torture! Well, now I g2g to bed... I have to wake up extra early tomorrow! Great... lol.

  2. I know how you seems like it should be easier to get up than it actually is. Oh, and I really hope you don't get a cold. I got this stupid cold shortly after Christmas. And I think it's getting worse...So, right now even though I feel pretty good emotionally, everything else feels pretty...bleck. lol

    And as far as my day goes, I think the biggest thing that sucks my time is my 2 hour walk/run on the treadmill. By the time I do that my day is GONE! Poof, it's just gone!
    So, yeah...I'm sure one day we'll get the hang of it......hopefully! :)
    Anyway, good luck getting up early!!

    Oh, and how is the Alex Rider book?! I'm totally excited to read it! I even have it checked out of the library, but I should really read my book club book first... :)


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